When Martha Stewart first published this recipe in her Martha Stewart Living Magazine in 1995, she had an entire article explaining the "where's/how's/and...
When the leaves begin to turn their bright fall colors and the brisk air ushers in autumn, the Oyster season in the Chesapeake Bay begins. Oysters are...
This is a great basic recipe to cook any of your favorite seafoods... I love using the lobster, langastanos, shrimp and haddock the BEST! Being from New...
A greek-style turnover filled with cheese and spinach. For the calzones you can use pizza dough purchased from your grocery store, or make your own dough....
Two favorite flavors in one yummy muffin! Use real butter and quality dark chocolate - Callebaut, Trader Joe's Bittersweet or Dark, Valrhona, you get the...
Looking for a quick and delicious recipe that will get you out of the kitchen in a matter of minutes and will make your family think you are a rock star?...
Quahogs are another name for hard-shell clams, and I know that at least in our region here in Maine, it refers to larger clams (as opposed to cherrystones)....
Don't let my lack of specific measurements keep you from trying this fantastic white chili. I'm a "freestyle" chef so most of my recipes are open for interpretation...
This is courtesy of Bobby Deen and the food network. If you love coconut shrimp, you will love this recipe!! The coconut actually sticks to the shrimp...
A school lunchtime classic. Quick and easy to make. Very bland but has remarkable taste. My sister has tried it and say it's just as she remembers Mom's....
This is the way we like our chicken parmesan -- I get rave reviews everytime I serve it and always get asked for the recipe! It is a really easy recipe...
Mahi Mahi marinade in citrus juice and ginger and dark soy suace. I severed with steamed asparagus and rice . The process is a little labor intensive but...
To play up the licorice flavor, I add a pinch of fennel seed and a drizzle of Pernod. The vegetables serve as a bed for seared chicken thighs, ideal for...
Pipián is an earthy, pureed seed sauce that is traditional in Mexican cooking. Often made using pumpkin or squash seeds this recipe uses a few different...
Simple, delicious alternative to frying catfish southern style. I was dubious about the mixture of pecans and Dijon, but it worked and produced a slightly...
I like this recipe much better than the store-bought coating mixes. You can double or triple the recipe if you wish, and store the unused amount in a sealed...
An easy dip to put together in the crockpot for all occasions. This dip is enjoyed by everyone I have made it for; some even forgo dinner for this. Can...
The combination of these ingredients is fantastic. The candied pecans give a nice little crunch to the salad. Add some seafood or grilled chicken and you...
This recipe is from the Williams-Sonoma Collection series, Pasta, by Erica De Mane. A note about capers: Purchase capers packed in salt. They have a sweet,...
My neighbor used to give these delicious pickles as gifts. All her recipes were legend and she shared them in her very sought-after holiday cards. These...
This was created to mimic the wonderful seafood pizza we used to enjoy at Pizzeria Uno in Cincinnati Ohio. It's especially easy with a boboli crust but...
This is amazing, moist, delicious and a family favorite. We have it every year for Christmas dinner. Each of us eat a half dozen or more, so make lots!...
This one was different than the others I saw on here so thought I'd add it. I'd seen it on facebook. The individual who posted stated it was from a Mississippi...
After so many scares of tainted pet food and recently tainted pet treats, I have started to cook my own treats for the mutts. They were already being fed...
A friend of mine gave me an idea to add velveeta to my casserole.. but I do have a few add ons of my own... My 8 yr old who doesn' like green beans had...
I have been making this dressing for years. I found it in one of those community recipe cookbooks. You can use your favorite regular cornbread recipe with...
This is a wonderful infusion of sweet sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, shallots and fresh herbs and cheese with wonderful orzo, baked to perfection with a simple...
I have to say, I would have never touched Spam before my good friend Sue told me about this recipe, she said it was a total hit with both kids and adults....
Delicious recipe that is quite similar to a popular Chi Chi's restaurant dish. Seasoned ground beef and cheese are rolled in a tortilla, smothered in green...